Accelerating Innovation at SEMICON Korea
SEMICON Korea logo
Jan 19, 2021

To kick-off the new year, SEMICON Korea is bringing together industry leaders throughout the semiconductor supply chain Held February 3-12, participants can learn more about artificial intelligence, MEMS and sensors, and smart manufacturing at the virtual conference. 

Lam is proud to be a platinum sponsor of SEMICON Koreaas well as the sponsor of the keynotes and the SEMI Technology Symposium (STS). Following is a summary of Lam’s participation throughout the conference 

Panel Talk 3
Yoojin Kim
Workforce Development: Women-in-Technology
Thursday, February 4, 2:45 PM 

Mentoring 1: Software
Jerrad Lee
Workforce Development: Meet the Experts
Friday, February 5, 1:30 PM 

Enabling Device Scaling through Thin Film Stress Control 
Alice Hollister 
Advanced Materials and Process Technology

Enabling Vertically Integrated Memories with Co-optimized Deposition and Etch Solutions
Thorsten Lill
Plasma Science and Etching Technology

SAQP Pitch Walking Improvement Path Finding by Simulation 
Timothy Yang
Plasma Science and Etching Technology

Current and Future Solutions for Smart Manufacturing
Jason Shields
Smart Manufacturing Forum

Complete schedules and registration information can be found on the SEMICON Korea website 
