Science and Technology Take AiMES in Cancun
stock photo man speaking on stage
Sep 24, 2018

Starting on September 30, scientists, engineers, researchers, and industry professionals from around the globe will meet in Cancun, Mexico, at the Americas International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science (AiMES 2018).  This meeting is a joint conference of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica (SMEQ), and the Mexico Section of the Electrochemical Society. With over 2,100 technical presentations and over 450 poster sessions that focus on electrochemical and solid-state science and technology, attendees will be able to learn and exchange information in these key developmental areas.

Lam experts will be sharing advances in atomic-scale processing, electrodeposition and electroless deposition, and advanced memory patterning. In addition, Lam is pleased to sponsor two symposia: Atomic Layer Deposition Applications (G02) and Materials, Formulation, and Processes for Semiconductor, 2.5 and 3D Chip Packaging, and High Density Interconnection PCB (G05). Along with our collaborators, we will be participating in the following presentations, including four invited talks.

(Invited) Etching of Advanced Semiconductor Devices
T. Lill (Lam Research Corporation)
Symposium G02: Atomic Layer Deposition Applications
Monday, October 1, 8:00 AM

(Invited) Self-Terminated Electrodeposition Reactions
T. P. Moffat (NIST), Y. Liu (Lam Research Corporation), S. H. Ahn (Chung-Ang University), N. L. Ritzert (Theiss Research/NIST), R. Wang (NIST), E. Gillette (University of Maryland), D. Gokcen, H. Tan (NIST), C. Hangarter (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), L. Bendersky, U. Bertocci (NIST), and H. You (Argonne National Laboratory)
Symposium E03: Electrodeposition for Energy Application
Monday, October 1, 10:40 AM

In Situ Stress Measurements during Strained-Layer Electrodeposition
G. R. Stafford, S. Ambrozik, U. Bertocci (NIST), Y. Liu (Lam Research Corporation), M. C. Lafouresse, and T. P. Moffat (NIST)
Symposium E03: Electrodeposition for Energy Application
Monday, October 1, 11:40 AM

(Invited) Atomic Layer Processing from an Etching Perspective
T. Lill, I. Berry, A. Fischer, M. Shen, and V. Vahedi (Lam Research Corporation)
Symposium G02: Atomic Layer Deposition Applications
Tuesday, October 2, 3:20 PM

Electroless Deposition of Pb Monolayer – Surface Selective, Surface Controlled, Self-Terminating Process
D. Wu, W. Yang (University of Houston), A. Joi, Y. Dordi (Lam Research Corporation), and S. Brankovic (University of Houston)
Symposium E02: Electroless Deposition
Wednesday, October 3, 8:00 AM

(Invited) Patterning of Embedded STT-MRAM Devices: Challenges and Solutions
I. Berry (Lam Research Corporation), J. Park, J. Kim (Samsung Electronics), B. Min, T. Lill, and V. Vahedi (Lam Research Corporation)
Symposium G05: Materials, Formulation, and Processes for Semiconductor, 2.5 and 3D Chip Packaging, and High Density Interconnection PCB
Wednesday, October 3, 10:20 AM

Complete schedules and registration information can be found on the AiMES website. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

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