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Month Year
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
- |Jun 6, 2024|
Her expertise in physical chemistry, process engineering, and business strategy help shape our industry. A new appointment on a prestigious committee extends Lam’s influence.
- |May 28, 2024|
This study demonstrates how deposition-etch cycling can reduce LER and improve device performance.
- |May 23, 2024|
Lam Research went public on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol LRCX in 1984.
- |May 20, 2024|
The requirements of the AI era demand integrated core chips, driving vertical integration. Chip makers are just now beginning limited production of 3D packaging.
- |May 14, 2024|
As semiconductor complexity increases with scaling, specialized expertise in areas like plasma physics and artificial intelligence (AI) becomes crucial. Lam faces challenges in workforce...